FEBA Indonesië het onlangs ‘n nuwe program begin uitsaai waarin hulle kyk hoe Christene leef in gebiede waar die Sharia-wet toegepas word. Die span hoop
FEBA Indonesia recently started broadcasting a new program which explores the lives of Christians who live in areas that implement Sharia law. The team hopes
In Japan beskou baie mense die Christendom as ’n uitheemse godsdiens. Streng sosiale reëls kan dit ook moeilik maak om dit in alledaagse gesprekke te
In Japan, many view Christianity as a foreign religion and strict social rules can also make it difficult to discuss it in everyday conversation. Yet
Prys God vir FEBA Mosambiek se sewende stasie, Victory FM, wat nou in die Cuamba-streek uitsaai! Programme dek ’n wye verskeidenheid onderwerpe in agt tale,
Praise God for FEBA Mozambique’s seventh station, Victory FM, which is now broadcasting in the Cuamba region! Programs cover a wide array of topics in
Prys God vir FEBA Mosambiek se sewende stasie, Victory FM, wat nou in die Cuamba-streek uitsaai! Programme dek ’n wye verskeidenheid onderwerpe in agt tale,
Praise God for FEBA Mozambique’s seventh station, Victory FM, which is now broadcasting in the Cuamba region! Programs cover a wide array of topics in
Pray for FEBA Malawi’s listener clubs in Machinga, Mangochi, Blantyre, and other areas affected by the food shortage crisis. Food has become extremely expensive and
Bid vir FEBA Malawi se luisteraarklubs in Machinga, Mangochi, Blantyre en ander streke wat geraak word deur die voedseltekort krisis. Kos het uiters duur geword
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