

“To tell the truth, I am still a Muslim, but … KanuYah FM Sollo often talks about prayer, [so] I sent prayer topics to our

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“Om die waarheid te sê is ek nog steeds ‘n Moslem, maar…KanuYah FM Sollo praat gereeld oor gebed, [so] ek het al ‘n paar keer

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“‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace

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“Berge kan padgee, heuwels kan wankel, maar my liefde vir jou sal nooit verdwyn nie, my vredeverbond met jou sal nooit wankel nie, sê die

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Buiten siekte onder die personeel en hul families, het FEBA Mosambiek boonop te kampe met uitdagings in sy bediening ook. In die noorde is die

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In addition to illness among the staff and their families, FEBA Mozambique faces many difficulties in its ministry. In the north are the jihadists, and

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Praise God for the tremendous growth in FEBA Malawi’s ministry! They have established nearly 20,000 listener clubs and receives feedback from listeners as far afield

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Prys God vir die wonderbaarlike groei van FEBA Malawi se bediening! Hulle het al byna 20,000 luisteraarklubs gevestig en ontvang terugvoer van luisteraars in lande

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Pray for those FEBA listeners who are elderly, ill, lonely, or overwhelmed. Many of these listeners find great comfort in FEBA’s broadcasts and regularly communicate

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Bid vir die FEBA-luisteraars wat oud, siek, eensaam of oorweldig voel. Baie van hierdie luisteraars vind troos in FEBA se uitsendings en kommunikeer gereeld met

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