Prys God vir FEBA Korea se kragtige radiostasie wat die Goeie Nuus na luisteraars in Noord-Korea uitsaai! Die programme word vervaardig en aangebied deur Noord-Koreaanse
Praise God for FEBA Korea’s powerful radio station that broadcasts the Good News to listeners in North Korea! The programs are produced and presented by
“I have been listening to your programs for the last four years [and] I am now a changed person. Your programs allow me to know
“Ek luister die afgelope vier jaar na julle programme [en] ek is nou ‘n nuwe mens. Julle programme laat my toe om God en myself
“Elke goeie gawe en elke volmaakte geskenk kom van Bo. Dit kom van die Vader wat die hemelligte geskep het, maar wat self nie soos
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17 NIV)
FEBA Korea saai die evangelie op 13 FM-stasies reg oor Suid-Korea uit, en buiten nuwe gelowiges, vind baie mense hul weg terug na Christus. Bid
FEBA Korea broadcasts the gospel on 13 FM stations across South Korea, and in addition to new believers, many people are finding their way back
Most of Kyrgyz society adhere to Islam and oppose Christianity. Wives often hide their Christian faith from their husbands for fear of abuse, and families
Die grootste deel van Kirgisië se samelewing volg Islam en staan Christendom teë. Vroue steek dikwels hul Christelike geloof vir hul mans weg uit vrees
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