Die vervolging van Christene neem reg oor Indië toe. Aanvalle varieër van fisiese geweld tot diskriminasie in die werkplek. Bid dat God FEBA Indië se
Across India, persecution of Christians is on the rise. Attacks range from physical violence to discrimination in the workplace. Pray for God’s protection on FEBA
“My gesin kom bymekaar om sáám na hierdie program te luister. Dis nie net ’n bron van kennis nie, maar ’n oomblik wat ons nader
“My family gathers to listen to this program together. It’s not just a source of learning but a moment that brings us closer as a
“Ook bid ek dat julle liefde al hoe meer sal toeneem in begrip en fyn aanvoeling, sodat julle die dinge sal kan onderskei waarop dit
“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able
Pray for FEBA’s partner who broadcasts the Good News to listeners in Iraq, where Christians make up only 0.3% of the population. Iraq FM broadcasts
Bid vir FEBA se vennote wat die Goeie Nuus aan luisteraars uitsaai in Irak, waar Christene slegs 0.3% van die bevolking uitmaak. Irak FM saai
FEBA se programme kan in dele van Suid-Asië en die Midde-Ooste gehoor word, maar die oorgrote meerderheid van mense in dié streke is nog onbereik.
FEBA’s programs can be heard in parts of South Asia and the Middle East, but the vast majority of people in these regions are still
Be up to date with the latest News from FEBA South Africa.
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