Christmas and the end of the year are around the corner, and although this is the world’s second Christmas with the pandemic, we at FEBA SA look back with great gratitude on a blessed year with many positive developments.

It is true that COVID-19 has changed our lives tremendously over the past two years. While it undoubtedly has caused great damage, there is also a positive side to it. We have received constant feedback from people who testify that God can even make a pandemic work for the greater good by changing people’s lives positively. Families and friends have moved closer together over the past two years; people who kept their jobs once again realized how privileged they are to still have a job. Many recounted how they began to enjoy more support from friends. It’s so important to be thankful for what we have, instead of complaining about what we do not have.

Some of the positives we are seeing during this time, is the fact that the restrictions and other pandemic measures have once again emphasized the importance of our radio broadcasts and online services to our audiences. Also, despite many practical challenges, the commitment of our FEBA teams to share the Good News with others has been an inspiration. A good example of this is the award for Best radio station (in the entire Niassa province) bestowed upon Radio FOT by the government in Mozambique.

Our many radio stations in Africa, and the rest of the world, have implemented several community initiatives and the success stories have reached us. We have continuously shared these success stories with our supporters in various publications such as newsletters, Radius, and others.  These publications are still available on the website. During this testing time, our excellent staff at our respective stations kept in regular contact with their listeners as well as with us at the FEBA offices in Pretoria and Mossel Bay. We realized from the constant flow of testimonies that our radio programs played a significant role in strengthening the faith and encouraging otherwise overwhelmed listeners in many different countries.

It is a wonderful privilege to introduce FEBA SA to the wider public and many doors have opened for us over the past few months. In addition to ongoing church visits, where pastors graciously allow us opportunities to testify about what the Lord is doing through FEBA, we also had the opportunity to speak on several other public radio stations such as: Airwaves of Hope, Impact Radio and Groot FM. These radio stations kindly provided us with the platforms to inform their listeners about FEBA’s activities. We are very grateful and have great appreciation for these churches and radio stations.

It is a miracle and great testimony for a non-profit organization such as FEBA to be sustainable after 76 years, and to still grow dynamically in the quest to reach the most unreached countries of the world! Although it remains a constant challenge, it’s also a great privilege.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all our supporters and donors; our faithful media missionaries; as well as to all the staff of our respective radio stations and the wider communities that have supported us for so many years. Without them, it would be impossible for us to expand God’s kingdom in such a dynamic way.

May I also take this opportunity to wish everyone reading this message a Merry Christmas and a pandemic-free New Year. Isaiah 9:6 gives us the timeless news, “To us a Son is born, to us a Son is given; He will reign, and He will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” May the glorious joy of God’s love radiate around you and your family during in time.

Many blessings

Dr. Jurie Vermeulen,

National Director, FEBA SA


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