Kairat, is a 38-year-old Muslim man living in Central Asia. He recently sent us an email after hearing one of our radio programs for the first time.

“I have a good business and a good family. But your broadcast opened my eyes to my problem. I grew up in a poor family. My father was an alcoholic, and due to his heavy drinking, we all suffered. My shame meant that I always had to prove myself and I would have everything I wanted. I achieved my goals, but I was still very unhappy. Then I listened to your broadcast and heard this verse from John 7:46: ‘No man ever spoke like this Man!’”

As Kairut continued to read the scriptures, he discovered that love, not wealth, was missing in his life.

“I discovered, that true love is in God. Now I allow God’s love to fill me so that I can love and serve others.”

Testimonies like these are increasing as God powerfully continues to use FEBC Kyrgyzstan to provide hope and life-giving broadcasts to these people in Central Asia, a predominantly Muslim territory. Because of God’s mighty work through our radio ministry, Kyrgyzstan is now home to a first-generation church!

God is busy moving in Kyrgyzstan like never before. Our team recently launched their 6th station, OK FM 88.4 which is now on-air in the city of Osh. In addition to the launching of the station, 500 radios were distributed within the community. With a population of 5.5 million people, 75% are Muslim and only 1% are Christian. The second largest city in the country is now being reached by the gospel!

Prayer is also needed for Kyrgyzstan as their political situation remains fragile. In October 2020, the country made headlines when thousands of anti-government protestors and vigilante groups stormed the main political building in response to what many believe was a rigged election. In those moments, the city of Bishkek descended into a state of chaos and anarchy.

Yet, despite the turmoil, their greatest need remains the love and hope that only Jesus Christ can provide. Together, we are making a difference by providing people like Kairat with access to the Word of God, bringing him and thousands like him, one step closer to salvation.

It was a challenging process for our team to launch this new station, given the restrictions imposed by the lock-down. However, our team continued to pursue the vision and are now filling the hearts of this nation with life-giving messages that are changing lives. Our broadcasts are reaching into the homes of millions of Muslims and atheists; people who had no previous knowledge or connection with Christianity!


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