In January, the Philippines’ national meteorological services issued a warning that heavy rainfall may persist until March, leading to floods and landslides. Pray for people
In Januarie het die Filippynse nasionale weerdiens ’n waarskuwing uitgereik dat swaar reënval tot in Maart kan voortduur, met moontlike vloede en grondverskuiwings. Bid vir
“I’m a non-Christian. I was blinded in a work accident and have not worked since. In recent weeks, I’ve been calling Heartline Radio to ask
“Ek is ‘n nie-Christen. ’n Werksongeluk het my blind gelaat en sedertdien werk ek nie. Die afgelope paar weke het ek Heartline Radio gebel om
“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
“Die Here jou God is in jou midde, ‘n held wat verlos. Hy verheug Hom met blydskap oor jou, Hy maak jou stil met sy
FEBA Kambodja is deel van die Kambodjaanse Gemeenskaps-Bybelinstituut, wat Bybelkursusse in Kambodjaanse dorpies aanbied. In 2024 het 442 studente in 21 provinsies die kursusse gedoen.
FEBA Cambodia forms part of the Cambodian Community Bible Institute, which conducts Bible courses in Cambodian villages. A total of 442 students participated in lessons
Political turmoil in Myanmar makes it challenging to share the Good News there. FEBA Myanmar has faithfully carried God’s Word to people in remote villages
Politieke onrus in Mianmar maak dit uitdagend om die Goeie Nuus daar te deel. FEBA Mianmar dra al vir dekades lank God se Woord oor
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