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FEBA Kirgisië se radiostasie is onlangs aangewys as een van die top 15 stasies in Osh, die land se suidelike hoofstad. As die enigste Christelike

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FEBA Kyrgyzstan’s radio station was recently voted among the top 15 stations in the country’s southern capital, Osh. As the only Christian station among the

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FEBA Kirgisië se radiostasie is onlangs aangewys as een van die top 15 stasies in Osh, die land se suidelike hoofstad. As die enigste Christelike

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FEBA Kyrgyzstan’s radio station was recently voted among the top 15 stations in the country’s southern capital, Osh. As the only Christian station among the

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Het jy geweet? Moldowa is die Europese land wat die minste besoek word. FEBA Moldowa saai uit op vyf stasies in die land, wat minder

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Did you know? Moldova is the least-visited country in Europe. FEBA Moldova broadcasts on five stations in the country, which has less than 5% evangelical

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“My ouers het agtergebly en dinge het net erger geraak. Gas, elektrisiteit en water het verdwyn. Uiteindelik het die verbinding so verswak dat ek net

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“My parents stayed behind, and things only got worse. Gas, electricity, and water all disappeared. In the end, the connection deteriorated, and I could only

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“So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.”

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“Daarom ervaar julle nou ook pyn; maar Ek sal julle weer sien, en dan sal julle harte bly wees, en niemand sal julle blydskap wegneem

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