During a time of sorrow and plight on the eastern border between Russia and the Ukraine, FEBC seeks to instil hope in the hearts of those being affected by the war. FEBC broadcasts into five regions within the conflict zone and recently launched a brand new station in Pokrovsk. One of the pastors in this town made the following remark; “I am so glad FEBC is finally here. People who have experienced war, betrayal, and instability on so many levels are hungry for the truth. In a strange and painful way, the war became a blessing for us. So many people are looking for answers now.”

At the end of 2018, the president of the Ukraine imposed martial law on 10 regions for a period that lasted 30 days, following a naval conflict with Russia. During this period, all evangelical churches were outlawed in rebel-controlled areas. This led to FEBC having to relocate their transmitter so that they could reach those areas. Although the enforcement of martial law was somewhat brief, civilians remain concerned for their safety and desperately seek stability.

Most people on both sides of the conflict are not only suffering economically, but also psychologically and spiritually. The prospect of an uncertain future has led to the escalation of homicides and suicides, hundreds of military casualties, heavy drinking and drug abuse.

FEBC comforts listeners by broadcasting the message of hope that is found in Jesus Christ. They do this through counselling the most vulnerable and they focus on developing a strong relationship with their listeners.

Currently there are two missionaries serving FEBC in this war zone, who are working with disadvantaged children. They regularly organise camps for children. Some are orphans and others come from families where the parents are alcoholics. The most recent camp was held at FEBC’s station in Shastya, where they ministered to 250 children. Many of the children attending the camps give their lives to Christ.

The people in these areas are in desperate need of your prayers and many will be listening to FEBC to find answers. We urge you to continue to pray for FEBC’s listeners living in this war zone.


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