“I began listening to your station not long ago and discovered so many new things! These few months changed my life in so many ways. I became a Christian, and not in name only. I became His follower. I started to attend a church where the Bible is actually taught. I had never visited an evangelical church before in my life. I still cannot believe that all of this happened to me, and it all began by listening to FEBC. I don’t know how to express my feelings of joy and gratitude to you, friends. You are like family to me. In fact, we are one family in Christ.”       – Kirill, 29, from Krasnogorsk

Despite the pressure from the government, the church in Russia continues to grow. Many young people come to know Christ through FEBC and then, following our daily advice, join the fellowship of believers in their city or town. During the next fiscal year, we are focusing even more on evangelism, which is our main purpose: helping people respond to God’s call to salvation.

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