Reaching the Khmu people

In the isolated villages of Southeast Asia, ethnic groups like the Khmu, rely on radios to hear the Gospel message.

The majority of the Khmu live in northern Laos where they constitute one of the largest minority ethnic groups, comprising 11% of the total population. These people are an agricultural society, although gathering, hunting, trapping and fishing are also parts of the Khmu lifestyle. In Laos, Khmu are reputed for practicing magic, and some families still engage in the casting of spells and telling of fortunes, but because of FEBC’s broadcast many of them are now believing in Christ.

One of our Khmu broadcasters, Kye*, prepares radio broadcasts and then sends them to the Philippines to be broadcast to his people in Southeast Asia.

He recently told us these stories about the power of radio in his community:

“Today, the world is moving away from the radio, particularly shortwave radio. But the Khmu are not moving away from it. For the Khmu, the radio is still a great tool for them to listen to FEBC’s broadcast.

Every night at 9 P.M. there are thousands of people listening. Many of them call to express their appreciation for the program; men, women, and children. I pray daily for FEBC’s shortwave to continue as long as it can, as it’s the only way to reach this people group.”

Shortwave can travel much farther distances than FM radio, so it can be used to transmit from a country like the Philippines that allows evangelical broadcasting, into countries that are hostile to the Gospel.

As Kye mentioned, we receive many calls and letters of appreciation from our listeners. Here are just a few of our listeners’ stories:

“Dear teacher Kye, I am listening to your radio program everyday throughout the past 3 months. I loved your message that you preached on John 2: 1-9 about being obedient to whatever Jesus tells us to do. This message impressed me a lot. I also used your CD messages, gave radios to the people, and witnessed to many people. So far, 27 people have accepted Jesus Christ. I am giving an offering of 20,000 kip (R33) for the Khmu program.” – Pastor S.L.*

“I commit my life to Jesus, and whether I die or live is up to the Lord. Please pray for me because my son-in-law and daughter want me to leave their house, and force me to stay with my nephew. My son-in-law is not a good man. He loves to drink, and do bad things. The reason that they want me to leave, is because my son-in-law is a soldier. He is afraid that his boss will know that his mother-in-law is a Christian, and they will not promote his rank.”– Mrs. K.*

Thank you for your gifts and prayers which enable us to broadcast the Good News of Jesus Christ to these people.

*Names changed for security reasons
– Adapted from FEBC.ORG

FEBC bereik die Khmu mense

In die verafgeleë dorpies van Suidoos-Asië, woon etniese groepe soos die Khmu wat steeds op radio staat maak om die boodskap van die evangelie te hoor.

Die meerderheid van die Khmu bly in die noorde van Laos waar hulle een van die grootste minderheid etniese groepe, 11% van die totale bevolking, vorm. Hierdie mense is hoofsaaklik boere, hoewel hulle ook sal jag en visvang om vir hulself te voorsien. In Laos, is die Khmu bekend vir die beoefening van toorkuns en ‘n paar gesinne is steeds betrokke by fortynvertelling. As gevolg van FEBC se uitsendings het baie Khmu mense nou in Jesus begin glo.

Een van ons Khmu uitsaaiers, Kye*, maak radioprogramme en dan stuur hulle dit na die Filippyne waar dit deur kortgolf na sy volk in Suidoos-Asië uitgesaai word.

Hy het onlangs vir ons van die impak wat radio in sy gemeenskap speel, vertel:

“Vandag is die wêreld besig om weg te beweeg van radio, veral kortgolf radio. Maar nie die Khmu nie. Vir hulle is radio steeds ‘n groot hulpmiddel om na FEBC se uitsending te luister.

Elke aand nege-uur is daar duisende mense wat inskakel om te luister. Mans, vrouens en kinders spreek hul waardering vir die program uit. Ek bid elke dag dat FEBC se kortgolf-uitsending sal voort- gaan so lank as wat dit kan, want dit is die enigste manier om hierdie groep mense te bereik.”

Kortgolf seine kan ’n baie groter afstand as FM radio bereik. Daarom gebruik FEBC kortgolf om vanuit die Filippyne na lande wat teen die evangelie gekant is, uit te saai.

Soos Kye genoem het, ontvang ons talle oproepe en briewe vanaf ons luisteraars. Hier is net ‘n paar van ons luisteraars se stories:

“Liewe leraar Kye, ek luister elke dag vir die afgelope 3 maande al na jou radio program. Ek het veral gehou van jou boodskap wat jy oor Johannes 2:1-9 gepreek het. Dit het gehandel oor gehoorsaamheid aan Jesus. Hierdie boodskap het my baie beïndruk. Ek het ook jou CD boodskappe gebruik, radio’s aan mense uitgedeel, en teenoor baie mense getuig. Tot dusver het 27 mense Jesus Christus as Verlosser aanvaar. Ek gee ‘n offer van 20,000 kip (R33) vir die Khmu program.” – Pastoor S.L.*

“Ek gee my lewe totaal oor aan Jesus, en of ek sterf of lewe dis in die Here se hande. Bid asseblief vir my, want my skoonseun en dogter wil hê ek moet uit hul huis trek en dwing my om by my broerskind te gaan bly. My skoonseun is nie ‘n goeie man nie. Hy drink baie, en hy doen slegte goed. Die rede hoekom hulle wil hê ek moet uittrek, is omdat my skoonseun ʼn soldaat is. Hy is bang sy baas vind uit dat sy skoonma is ‘n Christen is, en hulle sal dan nie sy rang bevorder nie.” – Mev K.*

Jou finansiële bydrae en gebede help ons om te voorsien dat hierdie mense voortdurend toegang tot die evangelie het.

*Name verander vir sekuriteitsdoeleindes.

– Aangepas uit FEBC.ORG

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