Saladin is from Malawi in Africa, and had been a Muslim for over 38 years before becoming a Christian. Saladin held a number of positions in local Muslim leadership. He was the secretary of the Muslim council in the eastern region of Malawi, and also worked as the vice president of the Muslim Teachers’ Union.

While in these positions and practicing his Muslim faith, he kneeled down to pray late one evening.

“As I was doing this I saw a vision. I saw Muslims, a large multitude of Muslims, who were weeping, and I saw my brother and I saw my uncle, and they were filled with sorrow. I saw that they were crying, saying, ‘Saladin, please rescue us!’”

Christ appeared in Saladin’s vision, which convinced Saladin to follow him. Saladin woke up and wrote down what he’d just saw, and from there, he left Islam in search of the truth and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour.

“After I accepted Jesus Christ, I was rejected by my family and treated as an outcast. The Muslim Teachers’ Union told me I was going to be killed according to Sharia law. I told them that I wasn’t there to attack them, I am here to preach about the one true, living God.”

It continues to be a struggle for Saladin, yet he now goes door to door telling people to accept Jesus Christ. He has been threatened and scorned, yet God has protected him.

“After being a Christian for a while, I reached out to people for some more theological teachings so I could understand the Gospel better. So, I met Amos Siyabu, who is the director of FEBA Malawi. He supported me significantly, encouraging me to hold onto Jesus Christ, and gave me an audio Bible and a radio, so I could tune in to FEBA Malawi broadcasts. Because of this, when I meet with people to share with them about Christ, I use the radio and the audio Bible to convince them that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.”

Saladin’s testimony is on YouTube: Subscribe to our channel (Feba RadioSA) for more testimonies like these.





Saladin, ʼn Malawiër, was vir meer as 38 jaar ʼn Moslem voordat hy Christen geword het. Saladin het ʼn paar ampte in die plaaslike Moslemleierskap gevul. Hy was die sekretaris van die Moslemraad in die oostelike streek van Malawi, en het ook as vise-president van die Moslem-onderwysersunie gedien.

Terwyl hy in hierdie posisies was en sy Moslem-geloof beoefen het, het hy een aand gekniel om, soos gewoonlik, te bid.

“Terwyl ek gebid het, het ek ʼn visioen gesien. Ek het ʼn menigte Moslems wat huil gesien, en ek het my broer en my oom ook gesien en hulle was ook hartseer. Hulle het gehuil en uitgeroep: ‘Saladin, red ons asseblief!’”

Christus het in Saladin se visioen verskyn, wat Saladin oortuig het om hom te volg. Saladin het wakker geword en als neergeskryf wat hy pas gesien het. Hy het dadelik Islam verlaat om te soek na die waarheid en hy het Jesus Christus aangeneem as sy Verlosser.

“Nadat ek Jesus Christus aanvaar het, is ek deur my familie verwerp en as ʼn uitgeworpene behandel. Die Moslem-onderwysersunie het my vertel dat ek volgens die Sharia-wet doodgemaak sal word. Ek het vir hulle gesê dat ek nie daar was om hulle aan te val nie, maar net om die waarheid oor die een ware, lewende God met hulle te deel.”

Dit bly ʼn stryd vir Saladin, maar hy gaan nou van deur tot deur om mense van Jesus Christus te vertel. Hy word gedreig en verag, maar God beskerm hom steeds.

“Nadat ek al ʼn rukkie ʼn Christen was, het ek na mense uitgereik om meer teologiese lering te ontvang, sodat ek die Evangelie beter kon verstaan. So het ek vir Amos Siyabu, die direkteur van FEBA Malawi, ontmoet. Hy het my baie ondersteun en my aangemoedig om aan Jesus Christus vas te hou. Hy het ook vir my ʼn oudio-Bybel en ʼn radio gegee, sodat ek kan luister na FEBA Malawi se uitsendings. Nou kan ek ook, wanneer ek met mense ontmoet om met hulle oor Christus te praat, die radio en die oudio-Bybel gebruik om hulle te oortuig dat Jesus die weg, die waarheid en die lewe is.”

Saladin se getuienis is op YouTube: Teken in op ons kanaal (Feba RadioSA) vir meer getuienisse soos hierdie.



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