Including Vietnam, Philippines, and Thailand – Cambodia is one of FEBC’s eastern ministry fields that successfully distributes thousands of radios every year. Even during the most challenging months of the pandemic they found a way to reach listeners.

Cambodia is home to over 16 million people, the vast majority of whom practice Buddhism. Issues like poverty, hopelessness, sickness, and illiteracy have taken root in this nation for generations and families suffer from ignorance and lack of opportunity.

FEBC Cambodia’s station Family FM 99.5 is changing this every day through their 10-kilowatt Nautel transmitter and 500-watt relay station that reaches more than 1/3 of Cambodia’s population including provinces that were previously unreachable. But they are not stopping here.

The team is currently in the early stages of building a new radio tower that will help them reach every man, woman, and child in Cambodia with the good news. Last month together with our supporters we contributed towards the funding of the new radio tower and look forward to receiving testimonies of many more lives being touched and changed.

What drives us to continue doing the work are the powerful testimonies we receive from listeners. One listener from Cambodia shared:

“Even as a Buddhist monk in the 1980’s, I tuned in to your broadcasts. In 2000, while listening to a pastor pray on the radio, God opened my heart. I continued to listen night after night. The Holy Spirit changed me, and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. God had a plan for me to share the Good News, and I became a pastor. Thank you, FEBC, for opening my eyes and my heart to hear the Word of God. I pray He will give you the power to spread the Gospel to many more of my people.”

This is one of many fruits of FEBC’s ministry in Cambodia that we have been supporting for several years. During the month of May this year, the team distributed radios to 100 families in two villages on the border of Vietnam. The team then travelled onwards to Kampong Thom province where they distributed another 80 radios. In collaboration with other local ministries and churches the team hosts monthly family seminars to teach people how to raise their family God’s way. This is all done to rebuild and strengthen the family structure in Cambodia that was broken down through Pol Pot’s reign between 1975 and 1979. High divorce rates among the youth and bad parenting are other prevalent issues that are addressed and alleviated through their ministry.

Not only are listeners being led to the lord, but their families and value system is being fully restored. Listeners are also presented with opportunities to grow in their knowledge of God through courses offered by the CCBI (Cambodia Community Bible Institute).  Many listeners have pursued the call of God for their lives and become pastors or started small cell groups in their communities because of the opportunities that are available to listeners through radio.

Praise God for His faithfulness in the lives of the people of Cambodia and for making it clear that He is rapidly building His church.



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