Dear FEBA Partner

Proclaiming the gospel through media is arguably the only efficient way to reach the untold millions of unreached peoples of the world. No dictator can stop a radio wave; it never tires and it reaches right into the darkest heart with eternal power. In modern times, we’ve come to use live internet streaming, mobile apps and all sorts of listening devices to spread Christ’s good news. 

Thank you for sharing the responsibility of Christ’s great commission: “Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples…” (Matt. 28:19). Being reminded of the apostle Paul’s words in Php. 4:18 … all your gifts… are like a sweet-smelling offering to God, a sacrifice which is acceptable and pleasing to Him.

Your generous giving will help reach the unreached with the Gospel through radio broadcasts and digital media

Become a partner

Fill in the form below, and we will contact you



Complete a debit order form and email it to us – the easiest way to donate regularly. Email us: PO Box 26270, Gezina, 0031

Sign up to our Newsletter

Sign up to our Newsletter

To receive our monthly E-Newsletter and Prayer Focus by email Call us on: +27(0) 12 335 5708

Solar / Wind-up Radio

Solar / Wind-up Radio

Buy a solar-, wind-up radio and donate a second one to someone in need Call us on: +27(0) 12 335 5708

How to give:

Donate via:

PayFast supports credit & debit cards, instant EFT, MobiCred, Masterpress, Zapper and SCode.

Donate via:

Banking Details for EFT Payments

Standard Bank

Acc no: 20 10 84 775
Branch Code: 014 845


Acc no: 40 55 31 35 41
Branch Code: 632 005


Acc no: 627 131 68799
Branch code: 250 655

Thank you for your obedience to God’s calling and for bringing the gospel
to those who have never heard it.