Broadcasters in Cambodia share the gospel of Jesus Christ with their listeners more passionately, after having first encountered the love of God for themselves. One broadcaster, Som Chann, said; “I asked God to make my voice a blessing to others. The thing I long for the most is to meet with my listeners. It is a joy that makes me so excited – especially when I see their lives changed. It is only through the grace of God that their lives are changed.”

Their voices are a bridge of hope which leads people directly to Christ. Cambodia has a long history of war and genocide that brought about the destruction of godly family structures and basic moral values. Through FEBC’s broadcasts families are being raised, equipped, strengthened and restored. Here is a recent testimony from one of their listeners;

“My name is Pho Chontha, I was born in a remote village on the border of Kandala and Prei Veng Province. I was born into, and raised by a Buddhist family. After I was married, I became very sick. My illness lasted nine years. I worried a lot that I would leave my family and this life behind. I had bad dreams every night. One day God sent someone to our home. The person told my wife to pray to Jesus to bless and heal me. After my wife prayed for me, I felt better. I am thankful to God who healed me. After that, I accepted Jesus Christ and decided to follow Him. God is merciful to us and His followers. May God bless FEBC Cambodia.”

Voice of Love Radio in Cambodia understands the importance of creating valuable content that will appeal to the needs of their listeners. They strive to provide listeners with information through their broadcasts that will equip them with practical skills.

Voice of Love Radio also recently launched another Bible study group with 10 members. The members make use of Speaker Boxes which are loaded with lessons on different topics – all based on Biblical principles that help them to live lives that are pleasing to God. The results show that the family skills broadcasts, have significantly reduced problematic behaviours, like alcohol and drug abuse, and have taught parents to be more attentive to their children. Praise God for the enormous impact that our broadcasts are having in the lives of our listeners. Each one is being raised up to be a true disciple of Christ, while their lives and hearts are being transformed in the process.


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