FEBA-luisteraarklubs vestig twee kerke in Malawi

In Desember 2018 is twee nuwe kerke in Ndembe en Phililongwe in Malawi gevestig. Beide hierdie kerke het ontstaan uit FEBA-luisteraarklubs wat geestelik en numeries gegroei het. Nadat klublede vir ‘n paar jaar na FEBA se uitsendings geluister het en deur FEBA Malawi se direkteur, ds Amos Siyabu Phiri, opgelei is, was dit hul hartsbegeerte om hul eie gemeente te vestig.

Bashiri, ‘n voormalige Moslem Sheik en leier van een van dié luisteraarklubs, sal nou die herder en predikant van die kerk in Ndembe wees. Hy sê; “Ons luister al vir baie lank na die ‘Way of Life’-programme en ons verstaan daardeur die boodskap van verlossing. Dit is hoekom ons glo dat dit nou tyd is om ons eie kerk te vestig. Ons het gegroei tot volwasse gelowiges deur dit wat ons deur die radio geleer het. Ons wil graag vir FEBA dankie sê vir die radio’s en ander belangrike hulpmiddels wat julle aan ons geskenk het en daarvoor verdien julle eer.”

Ds Phiri is van mening dat beide luisteraarklubs volwasse genoeg is om hul eie gemeentes te bestuur. Hy sê; “Ek is baie opgewonde oor wat hier gebeur het. Ons het daarin geslaag om twee nuwe gemeentes te stig. Baie mense het die eerste diens bygewoon en ons is hartlik deur die hoofman van Ndembe verwelkom.”

Hierdie gebeurtenis is ‘n groot deurbraak vir die Yao mense. Voorheen was daar geen kerke in hierdie area nie. Dit is ook ‘n teken dat FEBA se uitsendings ‘n passie en honger vir Jesus by die luisteraars opwek. Lidmate sal nou op Sondae, onder grasdakke, bymekaar kom om God te aanbid.

Ds Phiri was vergesel deur Past Chirwa en sy span van die Baptiste Kerk in Blantyre, vir die inhuldiging van dié twee gemeentes. Gedurende die inhuldiging het verskeie aktiwiteite plaasgevind. Hulle het, onder andere, in ‘n rolspel die geboorte van Jesus uitgebeeld, leierskapopleiding oor gemeentebestuur aangebied en opleidingsmateriaal en ander hulpmiddels uitgedeel.

Vorentoe sal FEBA Malawi nie verantwoordelik wees vir die operasionele bestuur van dié gemeentes nie, maar sal steeds hulpmiddels, opleiding en ander praktiese leiding aan die leierskap gee, om verdere groei te verseker. Ons loof die Heer dat hy FEBA Radio gebruik vir die uitbreiding van Sy Kerk.


FEBA listener clubs establish two churches in Malawi

During December 2018, two churches were established in Ndembe and Phililongwe, Malawi. Both churches originated as listener clubs that experienced exponential growth, both numerically and spiritually. After several years of listening to the radio and receiving training from the director of FEBA Malawi, Rev. Amos Siyabu Phiri, the members began to express a great desire to establish their own church.

Bashiri, a former Muslim Sheikh and leader of one of these listeners clubs, will now be pastoring the church in Ndembe. He says; “We have been listening to the ‘Way of Life’-programs for a long time and understand the message of salvation very well. We now believe that it’s time to establish a church. We have grown into mature believers because of all that we have been taught over the radio. We would like to thank FEBA for giving us all the necessary resources, like radios and audio-Bibles. This is something which you deserve honour for.”

Rev. Phiri ensures that both listener clubs are mature enough to successfully run their own churches. He says; “I am delighted as to what has happened. We have managed to launch two churches. Many people attended the first worship service and we were also pleasantly welcomed by the chieftain of the village in Ndembe.”

This is a great accomplishment for the Yao people. Previously, there were no churches in this area and it is a sure sign that the radio broadcasts have stirred up a deep hunger for God in the hearts of the people. Members will now come together on Sundays under make-shift thatch roofs to worship God.

Rev. Phiri was also accompanied by Pastor Chirwa and his team from the Baptist Church in Blantyre, for the official inauguration of the two churches. During the inauguration they carried out a number of activities. For instance, they performed a role-play to demonstrate the birth of Jesus, they also provided leadership training on how to run a church and handed out booklets containing teaching material and other useful information.

In the future, FEBA Malawi will not be responsible for the operational management of these churches, but will continue to provide the leaders with information, training and other practical guidance for further growth. We give God all the praise for using FEBA Radio to build His Church.









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