On the vast, almost forgotten steppes of Mongolia lives one of the world’s last remaining nomadic cultures. These nomadic herders make up approximately 30% of the Mongolian population and are largely known as sheep herders and their skill with horses.  If one were to visit such a place, you’d find that there are no churches, very little to no technology and the most commonly practiced religion is Buddhism. It would seem impossible to find God in a place like that as most locals have never even heard the name of Jesus Christ before. However, God finds the one He wants for Himself, no matter the obstacle.

One day Jesus found a man named Jagaa, a sheep herder. He put one of the only Christians amongst their community on his path, who shared the Good News with Jagaa and his wife and they believed. However, a big challenge was set before them; how to grow in the faith without a local church, limited resources, and long distances to any urban area? The challenge to grow seemed almost impossible. Through a network of 14 stations across Mongolia, FEBC brings the gospel to urban and rural regions of the country and Jagaa and his family are able to hear the Word of God on a daily basis and grow spiritually. Here is what Jagaa’s wife had to say:

“Our nomadic life is a huge challenge when it comes to being a part of a church family. Due to the sheer distance from any urban area. We could hardly visit and join a church on a regular basis, but radio has become our lifeline. It feeds our faith with solid Biblical teaching and lifts our spirits leading us in worship. We are unique in that sense. Our entire family depends on and benefits from this radio. Often my husband takes the radio with him when he tends the sheep, and it has become his only confidant on the pasture.”

The radio, seemingly outdated in first-world countries, a lifeline to those in the urban areas. The radio has an indescribable impact on the lives of willing listeners who are eager to hear the Word of God and grow in their faith. These believers, in areas almost forgotten, can feel part of a community and connected to other brothers and sisters in Christ. “So, then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17).

Jagaa himself recognizes the radio as a source through which his soul receives the nourishment it needs for everyday life. He says, “Indeed the radio feeds my soul as it keeps me company. My work as a shepherd can be very lonely.”  Furthermore, when describing the impact the teachings have on him, he shares, “The word of God inspires and comforts me. My fellow herders now call me “Jesus” Jagaa of which I’m very proud. What an honour to carry this title and I feel privileged and responsible to be of good testimony to the Lord’s name. I’m forever grateful to Jesus that He has found me. Amen!”

It is through your generous donations and prayer support of the ministry that we are able to bring you testimonies like Jagaa’s.

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